The axes provide a way to examine the intrasocial relationships in a meaningful and useful way, without either self-condemnation on the one hand or self-inflation on the other. Dream Sociogram axis placements clarify those preferences, in and out of readers' awareness, that support synergism or higher order integration, as well as those that create stress and system breakdown so that it can be seen and used as productive antithesis. While Nightmare Antithesis Dream Sociogram patterns have only a superficial resemblance to actual nightmares, the overwhelming perception of victimization is the same. When readers access intrasocial perspectives by creating Dream Sociomatrices they move from being a perspective, as Dream Self, to observer without simply retreating into some habitual waking perspective. In relation to Dream Sociometry, acceptance most basically indicates identification with and incorporation of the object of readers' attention. Acceptance generally implies consent, agreement, understanding and approval.