Some years ago, I acquired Martin Gardner's 1985 Prometheus pub­ lication The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix, which contains Gardner's Scientific American columns on this incredible numerologist spanning a period from 1960 to 1980. There I encountered the intelligence that in the 4 6 t h Psalm in the K i n g James version of the Bible, the 4 6 t h word is S H A K E and the 4 6 t h word counting from the end is S P E A R . Dr . Ma­ trix espoused the incredible theory that Wil l iam Shakespeare worked secretly on part of the K i n g James translation of the Bible. Matrix for­ tified his position by revealing that Shakespeare was 46 when the King James version was completed in 1610, and that he was born on Apri l 23 and died on Apri l 23 and that twice 23 is 46. This information, coupled with a careful reading of Shakespeare (1956) by F . E . Halliday, led to the following unusual demonstration.