Every exposure filmmaker's make involves an intricate interrelationship between all of the variables that produce, transmit, control, transform, or record light. The primary exposure elements along the path, beginning at the light source and ending at the video sensor, are: The light source, Scene reflectance, Camera filters, Lens aperture, Shutter speed, and Sensor response. Every exposure factor has ramifications for all the others. Most video cameras by default employ a center weighted reflected light meter which gives greater calculation priority to the exposure values at the center of the frame than toward the edges of the frame. The "run 'n' gun" method comes to us from documentary cinematography where exposures are critical, equipment is minimal, and events unfolding in real time don't give us enough time to take multiple meter readings or to consult waveform monitors, and histograms. An exposure aid found on many cameras is zebra stripes.