Counterdesire co-exists with being willing. Being willing is the newly reformed 'something' that the author have proposed. Deconstruction of the Will thus goes hand in hand with renovation of being willing. Arendt extracts from Paul's self-flagellation a revealing model of the self-division intrinsic to 'Will' the discovery of the 'inner man'. Arendt is prepared to date the issue of Will in terms of pre and post 'Christian' eras because the tortured Will appears along with the establishment of Christianity, with its cult of guilt and redemption. Arendt remarks how already, John Donne has seen 'how drie a Cinder this world is' under the idea of physics alone. With our post-modern interest in biology, the scientific world a la TV becomes entertainingly colourful again. Within the scientific Will to know and to change things for the better the 'progressivism' of modernity this very Will to science and progress is an intellectual embarrassment.