Beta-2 agonists are a first line class of drugs used to treat asthma. This chapter reviews the condition of asthma and other bronchoconstriction-related conditions and the use of beta-2 agonists in their treatment. It reviews the misuse of these drugs in sport. Since beta-2 agonists are a necessary component in the treatment regimes for asthmatic patients, Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) may be required for asthmatic athletes in order to allow them to compete on equal terms with fellow competitors. The chapter contains a table that categorises the drugs as short-acting and long-acting, which has a significance regarding their clinical use in the treatment of conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The highest prevalence of exercise-induced asthma (EIA) has been noted in athletes competing in the winter season, due to exposure to cold, dry air. The management of EIA and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction should involve preventative/non-pharmacological measures as well as treatment with drugs, such as beta-2 agonists.