This chapter presents information about the biology of a number of pests of dairy cattle, describes accepted techniques for their control, and provides precautions for the safe use of insecticides on dairy cattle. Dairy cattle can be infested with 2 types of lice, biting lice and sucking lice. Dairy cattle that graze in pastures are parasitized by a variety of ticks. Biting lice live off skin scales, debris, hair, and other matter on the surface of the animal's body. Spinose ear ticks are usually controlled by the thorough treatment of ears of dairy cattle with insecticides such as dusts, low-pressure sprays, aerosols, and smears. Dairy cattle are infested with several species of itch, mange, or scab mites. These very tiny species live on or in the skin and can cause intense irritation, itching, loss of hair, thickening of skin, and considerable discomfort to infested cattle.