THE Emperor Arne mikoto hirakasu wake was the eldest son of the Emperor Okinaga tarashi-hi hiro-nuka.J His mother was called the Empress Arne toyo-takara ikashi-hi tarashi-hime. 4 In the fourth year of her reign, the Empress Arne toyo-takara ikashi-hi tarashi-hime resigned the Dignity to the Emperor Ame-yorodzu toyo-hi/ and established the Emperor 6 as Prince Imperial. The Emperor Ame-yorodzu toyo-hi died in the tenth month of his later fifth year.7. In the following :year the Empress Dowager assumed the Imperial Dignity. She died in the seventh year of her reign, on the 24th day of the 7th month. The Prince Imperial, clad in v/hite garments,s discharged the functions of government.9