The Bunny Hop is known as a social mixer dance, where people join in, hop up and down (like a bunny), and follow behind a leader as they frolic around the dance floor. There are many adaptations to and variations of the Bunny Hop, with lots of flexibility in the line dance. Like the beginning of the Bunny Hop, where the leader enthusiastically smiles and invites others to join, the leader of a welcoming classroom creates an atmosphere of belonging, inviting and engaging every student to be a part of the learning experiences. Just as the Bunny Hop has many adaptations, allowing for various gifts of dance fever, the accommodating classroom is based on the philosophy that everyone has something to learn, and something to contribute to the community. This chapter outlines the instructional moves to create an equitable, inclusive, and engaging learning environment for ALL students, a classroom where every student is excited to join our dance floor.