Art Commission (RFAC), as CABE inherited the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) as its sponsoring government department, the RFAC’s budget and staff, and even the former RFAC secretary, Francis Golding, as CABE’s first chief execu tive. This arrangement did not last long, however, as a clash of styles with the incoming chairman, Sir Stuart Lipton, led to Golding’s early departure and to the appointment of Jon Rouse in the role. It was with the arrival of Rouse in the summer of 2000 that CABE quickly developed its own style of leadership and a decade of innovation in the governance of design began, facilitated by increased funding jointly from the DCMS and John Prescott’s mega-ministry, the Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) (later DTLR, ODPM, and now DCLG 1 ).