The innervation of the lower urinary tract seems to be complex. Providing a classification system of its dysfunction might be therefore complicated matter and is necessarily based on a schematization of the innervation. Suprasacral spinal lesions include spinal cord injury (SCI), multiple sclerosis, myelitis and other demyelinating disorders, and myelodysplasia. Lesions in the pons and the suprasacral part of spinal cord can affect both the storage and the voiding phase of the micturition cycle. Special attention should be paid to patients with SCI with lesions at or above T6. When the motoneurons of the external urethral sphincter are damaged at S1 and S2, patients will present with stress urinary incontinence. It is obvious from this summary that stress urinary incontinence and overflow incontinence may be predominant symptoms in patients with infrasacral lesions. One of the main goals in the treatment of patients with neurogenic bladder is preservation of renal function.