Individuals with NPD presume their own superiority, overstate their accomplishments, and feel entitled to privileges that they may neither earn nor deserve (Yudofsky, 2005). Bernstein (2001) suggests that they intend to live out their fantasies of being the smartest, the best, and the most talented of all people. As it is possible that individuals with NPD show little real ability, they may only be exceptional in their imagination. They can bewilder coworkers when their confidence in themselves far exceeds any demonstrated skill or talent. With enough exposure, people may come to feel disdainful of the self-aggrandizement and self-congratulatory behavior of people with NPD. In response, these individuals become deeply offended and withdraw into angry inaccessibility (Benjamin, 1996). The fragile maintenance of their exaggerated self-concept can lead to irrational behavior and flight from job settings when serious mistakes or lack of ability may be revealed.