Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software or Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS) is a term adopted by researchers to describe software that is used to facilitate qualitative approaches to data. The term refers to software that breaks down text into smaller units that can be indexed and treated as data for analysis. It includes a wide variety of qualitative data analysis software packages that help with the mechanical tasks of qualitative data analysis, which can include coding, memoing, annotating, grouping, linking, network-building, searching and retrieving. The chapter discusses the software that enables collaborative and distributed qualitative data analysis, software that supports quantitative integration for mixed methods approaches and data visualisation software that facilitates analysis by illustrating patterns and trends, or by helping researchers to visualise complex interrelations or networks CAQDAS is used by researchers undertaking qualitative research in a variety of disciplines, including the social sciences, education, health and medicine, business and the humanities.