By the late 1970s the system had become highly centralized in terms of policy-making, yet largely non-centralized in terms of actual implementation. The latter made an impression in the minds of many that no basic change had occurred in the system. A more immediate conditioner has been the fourth factor, the constellation of concepts-notalways complementary -- that comprise the Reagan creed. Alongside his undoubted commitment to a more balanced federalism are a cluster of other ideas and values--some dating back to GE Theater days and others of vintage--that conflict with his federalist concerns. New conditions and constraints in various of the large categorical grants were sought by the Administration itself, in part for retrenchment reasons. Witness the large intergovernmental transfer programs that are federal-state joint efforts and that involve heavy state cost-sharing in the cases of Medicaid and Aid for Families with Dependent Children. These have more conditions attached to them than ever before.