A number of far-reaching environmental changes have been taking place on a global scale for some time, and increasing in their pace, momentum, and potential to inflict disastrous consequences on human societies internationally. Mediation, collaborative negotiation, and allied conflict resolution methodologies will be used to address and resolve climate change and environmental disaster disputes. Diamond provides a framework for assessing the likelihood of environmental collapse, which includes a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the criteria: environmental damage, climate change, hostile neighbors, friendly trade partners and society's responses to its environmental problems. A number of scientific experts in different fields were asked in 2010 by Scientific American to estimate the limits on growth, citing preindustrial levels, current levels, and their best estimate of the boundary beyond which more serious consequences might occur. As people become more interdependent, a disaster in one part of the planet can easily turn into a catastrophe elsewhere, making it clear that global problems require global solutions.