In 2010, delegations from both the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC) disappeared from the green carpet ceremony of the 23rd Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF). Studies have focused on international film festivals as globally interconnected and powerful industrial platforms/mechanisms that not only circulate, exhibit and valorise world cinemas, but also demonstrate transnational financing, (co-)production and trade of film projects. Situated at the conjuncture of Chinese film studies and film festival studies, this chapter aims to engage the difficulties and contingencies in locating Taiwan cinema as a national cinema on the international film festival network. It surveys a broadly defined category of festivals run by Japanese official and/or non-governmental organisation (NGO) bodies, as well as various film exhibitions (co-)organised by the ROC's cultural authorities. In 2010, with the support of the ROC's cultural agencies, the TIFF again launched a sub-section called 'Taiwanese Cinema Renaissance 2010: New Breeze of the Rising Generation'.