This chapter focuses on increasing well-being by developing courage in the face of danger and engaging in posttraumatic growth. In dangerous professions that require courage (like firefighting, law enforcement or the military), preparation for courageous action involves working with courageous role models, building a supportive team, engaging in relevant skills training for managing specific threats, planning and avoiding the extremes of cowardice or reckless risk-taking. Coping strategies that support courage include acknowledging team support, thinking of past successful courageous actions and engaging in relaxation and mindfulness exercises. Courage may be strengthened by debriefing after courageous action. Courageously facing fears is the most effective way to overcome anxiety disorders. Research on cognitive behaviour therapy shows that anxiety may be overcome by making a hierarchy of feared situations, doing exposure exercises to items in this hierarchy, using effective coping strategies during exposure exercises and not using safety routines during exposure. Following a trauma, in addition to experiencing distress, there is also an opportunity for posttraumatic growth. This involves recognising personal strengths, deepening relationships with other people, developing a greater appreciation of life, experiencing spiritual and existential transformation, and an increased openness to new possibilities. Facilitating posttraumatic growth involves finding support, developing detailed narrative about the story of the crisis, linking the story of the crisis to life before and after the crisis, looking for posttraumatic growth themes in the story, practising mindfulness, and drawing on spiritual, religious and existential beliefs.