As noted by Reville (2006), ‘in our zeal for solutions, we are quick to condemn the strategies of reformers who preceded us because they have obviously not achieved the desired results’ (p. 1). The frequency of reforms is wide ranging, so apparently there must be many curriculum problems to solve. Although there appear to be some promising and worthwhile directions for

exploration and experimentation we need to be wary of panaceas and exaggerated claims. In particular, we need to be aware of claims that large-scale testing will result in quality education for all students – in fact this might run the risk of narrowing the scope of curriculum (Medina and Riconscente, 2006). As noted by McCaslin (2006), successful reform should start with a clearer

understanding of how to learn from previous reform efforts. ‘Reforms should build on each other, not serve as sequential correctives’ (p. 489).