The data underlying this study are drawn from the census manuscripts of manufactures for the census years 1850, 1860, and 1870 and comprise two distinct sample groups. Tests of the samples rely upon the accuracy of the published census summaries. Unfortunately, the census summaries are frequently inaccurate and in a few cases contain gross inaccuracies and omissions. Gross errors were found in the Census reporting for California in 1850. The Florida manuscripts contain 104 enterprises after the exclusion of logging operations, fisheries, salt refining and one firm of indeterminate industry. According to the published census, Texas in 1850 supported 89 sawmills, yet the census manuscripts reveal only 65 lumber mills and 15 lumber milling/ flour milling conglomerates. The capital estimates reported in the censuses are generally accepted as representing the gross book value of invested capital at the original cost.