The internal evidence from the play includes several references which may be used for purposes of dating. Another dating reference in the play suggested by W. K. Cameron again involves Wolsey; however, it is based upon the dubious hypothesis that the actual political situation of England is reflected in the fiction of the play. In light of the facts from Hall and Holinshed, perhaps Cameron’s theory of the topicality of the complaint plot has greater validity. When in 1527, Holinshed says rains began in September of “this yere,” he is probably referring to the agricultural year beginning in September, 1526, at Michelmas and “next yere” beginning in September, 1527. The most useful of all the references, it occurs during the millers’ debate when the Wind Miller praises the benefits of wind over the evils of water for agriculture. He concludes, “And well it is knowen to the most foole / How rayne hath pryced corne within this vii yere”.