Influencing people and behaviour are a fundamental part of contemporary pharma project management. This softer area of project management requires a combination of analytical skill, vision, leadership and imagination and also proactive management of team roles. The analytical tools like fishbone analysis and stakeholder analysis will be indispensable to you in managing these softer aspects of pharma projects. The key techniques for understanding the behaviour associated with major pharma projects into two categories: agenda analysis and dynamic analysis. Behavioural scenarios involve semi-structured story-telling about how the future of the pharma project may develop. A first technique is to plot some key assumptions concerning the behavioural influences in the project. Certain behavioural drivers often have the tendency to govern the cognitive subject matter of managers. Attractiveness Implementation Difficulty (AID) helps us to prioritise which stakeholders it is best to try to influence. The uncertainty grid assists in surfacing assumptions about the intentions and agendas of stakeholders.