The creation of the Job Relations program (JR) may be the TWI Services’ greatest contributor to industrial success. The other two “J” programs organized and simplified training material that others were already using in various forms. Job Relations, however, took an existing (scientific) method and applied it to human relations. At the time this was done, there was no precedent in job relations.2 In the ensuing years, the science of human relations has advanced, but I believe that the JR program remains one of the best, easiest to use, and easiest to learn methods for successfully dealing with personnel situations. Successful and/or experienced managers will not find anything new here. JR makes its greatest contribution to people who are new at “directing the work of others.” The skill in dealing with personnel problems requires a combination of analysis (left-brain activity) and emotional intelligence (right-brain activity). The JR program creates a method of “what” to do and adds instruction of “how” to do it. Everything a supervisor does is the result of a decision. Even taking no action is a decision. JR gives supervisors an easy method to use on a daily basis to inform their decisions and make their jobs easier. Six Main Concepts of the Job Relations Program The JR method consists of six main concepts, which the trainer discusses throughout the sessions and emphasizes at various points throughout the week of training.3 We will briefly discuss each of these.