In various public health programs, social marketing has been used for promoting immunization in children and increasing contraceptive use, such as condoms, oral contraceptive pills, IUCD, or implants. Efforts can be made to generate a demand for these services. This chapter presents a example of vasectomy services and makes people to understand how one can generate demand. Besides increasing demand, efforts were made to increase the availability of no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV) services. 54 NSV surgeons were available in public health facilities in the intervention area. They were provided with supportive supervision and handholding by a few expert NSV surgeons of the project. It was found that the conversion for NSV acceptance was much higher when the outreach workers talked explicitly about erection, ejaculation, and sexual pleasure. Another realization was that if the spouse of a potential client is convinced, the chances of her husband accepting NSV are very high.