A survey of the general considerations and particular demands combat puts on locations, wardrobe, props, and effects.

Practical wardrobe considerations include range of motion and being able to hide pads, footwear with appropriate traction and support, and facilitating doubling or re-using performers. Creative considerations include identifying factions and creating palettes for fake blood. Continuity and cleanup are also issues shooting action.

Lighting action means avoiding any flicker, and sometimes increasing light if using slow-motion.

Locations must be checked for safety hazards, to actors and to items. Combat can be destructive, so walls, set dressing, etc. may need to be protected, replaced, repaired, or doubled. Visual clarity issues include seeing performers, but also seeing blood or bullet holes.

Weapon props types are discussed, including rubber, bamboo, aluminum, and steel, and their uses as hero, stunt, or F/X props.

Effects options around blood and scenic damage are listed, from pyro squibs to makeup reveals to CG.

Examples are given showing workflow, props swaps, etc.