The concept design is ultimately aiming at realising a third cultural space and practically transforming learning processes and practices. T. Yunkaporta discussed various Aboriginal learning features and articulated 8 Aboriginal ways of learning (8 ways) as an Indigenous pedagogical framework. He argues that new knowledge at the cultural interface between Aboriginal and Western perspectives arises from Indigenous processes of knowledge transmission, and the 8 ways are a common-ground pedagogical framework for that cultural space. The 8 ways are: story-sharing, learning maps, non-verbal, symbols and images, land-links, non-linear, deconstruct/reconstruct, and community-link. Learning of collectiveness has been known that Indigenous interconnectedness and interrelatedness are pedagogicalised in Durithunga. It represents community connections and Indigenous educational equality. In Western educational contexts, community-based learning means, "learning and assessment takes place in the community and involves individuals other than teachers as part of the learning process".