In a digital economy, businesses are no longer secure by virtue of their size. Enterprise social tools are permitting new workplace norms. Businesses and projects are social constructs. Social tools; part cause, part effect, are making networked decisions commonplace. Social tools represent an exciting opportunity for business to be more agile and innovative whilst also being engaging places to work. The rise of digital social tools is an opportunity to connect, to interact rather than transact. Human interaction has reached an electronic tipping point. It is digital, omnipresent, instant, permanent, analysable and searchable. Networked decisions, thanks to the digital tools that support them, are not slowed down by the increased level of involvement. New forms of digital interaction can have a hugely positive impact on decision quality. The revolution in information sharing and digital interaction is accelerating flatter, fairer organisational alternatives such as Holocracy, which distributes decisions, information and authority.