This chapter describes the photochemical synthesis of acenes from corresponding a-diketone-type precursors and their application in the preparation of acene-based semiconducting thin films. Acenes, the aromatic hydrocarbons comprising linearly fused benzenes, have long been serving as benchmark compounds in the development of organic semiconductors. The photochemical conversion of α-diketone-type precursors to corresponding acene compounds is typically achieved upon the n–π excitation of the α-diketone moiety. The α-diketone-type photoprecursors are generally more soluble than the corresponding pristine acenes. In addition, their photochemical conversion to acenes proceeds efficiently even in the thin-film state. The photoprecursor approach can afford high-quality thin films of insoluble acenes that can be employed as active layers in organic devices. The photoprecursor approach can be employed for the preparation of not only single-component thin films of acenes but also blend films, as far as the partner compound does not completely inhibit the photoinduced decarbonylative aromatization.