Doggies are dogs in human form, born in the wrong body; margin alised creatures who have found refuge with Canis Humanus. The characters, the members of Canis Humanus and especially the doggies in their animal-human hybridity who have been ostracised by society embody precarious existences. Spaces like the kennel reinforce the precariousness of the situation, taking it one step further even by confronting the audience with ethically questionable situations first-hand. Thomas Bellinck’s museum deliberately imitates a traditional exhibition space where the displays are arranged chronologically – he situates the formation of the European Union (EU) in the basement, following a spatially upward trajectory into the present moment of crisis and towards a future of dissolution. Domo de Europa Historio en Ekzilo – House of European History in Exile by Bellinck is a fictional museum about the former EU, staged in a former court building as part of the Wiesbaden Biennale 2016.