But consideringe yowe have not hearein awnsweared us, as yowe owght to have done, wee cannot assent to your departure without yowe shall presentlie herein satisfie us in shewinge your intention fullie in what time yowe shall minde to finishe the voiadge, havinge with Gods favour a reasonable winde to further yowe: And so wee charge yowe uppon your Allegiaunce to make us a direct awnsweare, either that yowe minde and purpose by all your meanes possible to finishe your voiadge in the time by us aforementioned, which if yowe shall u pp on your allegiaunce assure us that yowe minde so certainely to doe, then wee are content that with the next good winde yowe maie depart, or else make yowe accompt that the journeie shall staie, for the breakinge wheareof the disgrace shall be yours, and to deminishe the losse of the charges susteyned, yowe shall consider howe the chargeable provisions maie be despersed with lest Ios and the companies discharged so as the losse betwixt us and yowe maie be made as little as can be devised and therein wee charge yowe to so advertise us with speede of your opinion for order to be gyven accordyng.