When children talk to others they become involved, motivated and more inclined to remember what they have been doing. Talking expresses thoughts, so when discussing maths ideas children make connections and begin to understand the words. A word only starts to have meaning when children try it out, experiment with its meaning and see how it fits in with their thinking. When teachers listen to group discussions they can identify misconceptions and recognise the concepts that children have grasped or not grasped.

How to help

Encourage ‘talk’ about maths, as this promotes sharing of ideas.

Encourage translating maths into a story they can relate to, for instance 3 + 2 = 5 translated as ‘Mum bought three apples then two more so altogether she had five apples.’

Let children get used to new words easily.

Make wall and ceiling charts of important numbers (use numbers specific to the child).

Recite numbers in order.

Use number lines showing the number sequence and words to help with the sequence of the number system.

Sing songs and rhymes.