Personalized ventilators (PVs) are state-of-the-art devices that aim toward providing individuals with thermal comfort and high-quality breathable air. Unlike conventional air-conditioning systems, PVs deliver fresh air directly to the breathing zone of a building, reducing the ventilation load and the air-conditioning energy consumption. To better realize the advantages of PVs, they should be installed in places that are accessible and close to the occupant so that they can effectively supply fresh air to the individuals. The personalized ventilation devices are grouped under four general types: 1) desktop-mounted task ventilation; 2) chair-based PVs; 3) wearable PVs; and 4) localized and partition-based ventilators. This entry reviews the literature knowledge on the performance of the different PVs and the methodology used in assessing their effect on air quality and on the segmental and overall comfort of humans. The usefulness of the different PV types is assessed in relation to their impact on thermal comfort, air quality, and particle dispersion in different air-conditioning systems.