Environmental pollution is one of the foremost ecological challenges. Pollution is an offshoot of technological advancement and overexploitation of natural resources. From the standpoint of pollution, the term environment primarily includes air, land, and water components including landscapes, rivers, parks, and oceans. Pollution can be generally defined as an undesirable change in the natural quality of the environment that may adversely affect the well being of humans, other living organisms, or entire ecosystems either directly or indirectly. Although pollution is often the result of human activities (anthropogenic), it could also be due to natural sources such as volcanic eruptions emitting noxious gases, pedogenic processes, or natural change in the climate. Where pollution is localized it is described as point source (PS). Thus, PS pollution is a source of pollution with a clearly identifiable point of discharge that can be traced back to the specific source such as leakage of underground petroleum storage tanks or an industrial site.