Most detection and sampling methods can be classified as either active or passive techniques. Both have the capability to help in predicting pest problems or quantifying existing damage and pest infestations. In turfgrass IPM programs, passive systems can use black light or pheromone or mechanical traps to supplement scouting data. Many turf insect pests require warm, moderately dry turf conditions for optimal development. For example, chinch bugs prefer the full sunlight areas on southern and eastern turf exposures. To date, visual inspection is the quickest, most accurate, and most frequently used technique for the diagnosis of turf insect problems. The most widely used trap in turf IPM programs is the Japanese beetle trap. This trap utilizes a combination of floral lure and a female sex pheromone. Pitfall traps are primarily used to monitor billbugs, mole crickets, chinch bugs, and other highly mobile arthropods.