Along with the rapid development of national economy in China, 85 to 95% of the energy resources and industrial raw materials come from mineral resources, but the reservation of mineral resources is scarce, especially the resources concerning the stable national economic development, such as oil, iron ore, manganese ore, copper ore, chromites, pyrites and Sylvie etc. Safety-ecology mine garden will be a new concept to build a perfect safety-ecology mine environment. Based on the theory of industrial safety and industrial ecology, Mining enterprise can engage in safe, clean and harmless production in the exploitation of mining resources, the administration of environment resources and the management of ecological safety, thus attaining the most profit. The optimum production and issues concerned are discussed as: (1) Sustainable model for mineral resources; (2) Types of the safety-ecology mine garden (Whole-new plan-type in safety-ecology; Up-graded plan type in safety-ecology; Mine garden for ritual safety-ecology); (3) Plan for the safety-ecology mine garden (Safe green plan; Ecological green plan); (4) Assessing system for the safety-ecology mine garden (ISO 14000 system and OSHMS18000 system etc.).