The Electromagnetic Emission (EME) will be formed because of the formation of cracks and the friction between granules during rock and coal’s burst failure. So, EME can be adopted to forecast the rock burst in coal mine. The investigation shows that EME usually becomes stronger with the increase of load and the rate of deformation. EME amplitude is usually below a certain value before the burst failure, while it suddenly increases during the burst failure of the loaded coal sample. The higher the stress is, the more intensive deformation of the coal body is, and the stronger the EME activities will be. However, the analysis of elasticity, plasticity, and brittleness model shows that the damage speed of coal and rock is in direct proportion to the EME impulse, the number of acoustic emission (AE), the instant released energy, and the deformation speed. According to the danger forecast for working face with a strong probability of burst, the EME can be adopted to completely forecast the rock burst in a coal mine to test the effect of relieve shot.