HITOP is a step-by-step manual procedure for industry practitioners who must implement technological change. The basic premises of the procedure are that technological change will be more successfully implemented when managers and designers are aware of the organizational and human implications of their technology plans, and that this knowledge is used to design systems that integrate technology within its organizational and human context. The procedure is called HITOP, which is an acronym for high integration of technology, organization, and people. HITOP was developed in direct response to an industry-identified need for simple tools that identify likely organizational and human implications of technology plans. These industry experts reiterated the accumulating evidence that technology changes are generally likely not to succeed in U.S. industry today and that a failure to effectively plan for the organizational and human implications of the technology is a primary cause of the problem. With HITOP, companies preparing for technology changes are provided with the forms, checklists, terms, and questions for assessing the human and organizational changes needed to support the technology changes. An early version of HITOP was created by Majchrzak (1988).