This paper presents one of the results of research on ‘A Need Analysis of Mother Tongue Program Development 2013.’ The study aimed to describe the efforts of parents in the preservation of the Sundanese language as a native language and a local language. The description of this paper includes the use of Sundanese language in everyday life at home and in its surrounding environment; in communication with teachers at school; the importance of instilling manners of speaking (undak-usuk/unggah-ungguh) into children; the importance of Sundanese language teaching in schools; the importance of children learning local culture; the types of culture that children learn; the efforts of parents to encourage children to learn the culture; and the opinion that the local language is used as the language of education at the elementary level. The research used descriptive method. The data collection technique in this study was a questionnaire technique questionnaire. The instrument used to collect data was a list of questions or questionnaires that would be distributed to each respondent. The data analysis technique used in this research was descriptive statistical analysis techniques. This study concludes that the preservation of Sundanese should begin in houses, where parents use it in communicating with members of the family. Parents must motivate, encourage, and facilitate children, or other family members, to have an understanding of the importance of Sundanese language as the local language, as well as having proper Sundanese language skills.