Imazapyr is a broad-spectrum herbicide which controls most annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds, woody brush, and deciduous trees in noncrop areas. Imazapyr is used to establish and maintain wildlife openings, to prepare sites for conifer planting, and to release conifers from competing vegetation. Imazapyr herbicide is formulated either as an aqueous solution to be mixed with water and applied as a spray or as a granular formulation to be applied to the ground. The surfactant is either included in the formulation or is added to the spray solution. Imazapyr should be used only where the area to be treated has been prepared according to good construction practices. Arsenal Applicators Concentrate may be mixed as either a concentrated or dilute solution for stump and cut-stem treatments. For cut-stump treatments, dilute solutions of Arsenal Applicators Concentrate or Chopper are sprayed or brushed onto a freshly cut-stump surface so that the entire area is thoroughly wet.