ClarisWorks (a trademark of Claris Corporation) is a package of six document types, text, draw, paint, spreadsheet, database, and communications, that can be integrated easily without closing windows. By drawing a frame with a text, spreadsheet, or paint tool in a document in one environment, you import into that frame the environment of the tool used and bring along all the tools that are active in that environment. The addition of a paint program in version 2.0 allows for much more sophisticated documents that are suitable for publishing. ClarisWorks also provides

On line help that can be accessed under the question mark at the right end of the menu bar if you are operating under System 7.0 or later. With System 6, the file is found under the Apple on the left of the menu bar or can be accessed by command? . It is not necessary to exit the document in which you are working as you can leave Help open and refer to it as necessary. You can drag Help around to a convenient place on the screen by dragging on the horizontal bars as you do with other windows.

Commands can be chosen from the menu and submenus with the mouse or can be keyboarded using the shift, command, option key , and a letter. Most of these shortcuts are intuitive with the letter being the first letter of the word involved, i.e., command S for Save and command U for Underline . In almost all cases there are keyboard and mouse alternatives. A third method of accessing commands is to use the shortcut icon menu found under file on the menu bar. Personal editing of those shortcuts can also be done in that file. One click on the appropriate icon will affect the highlighted text (see Fig. 30.1). The shortcuts and their icons are different in each application, but work in the same way. Shortcut icons. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203710012/aa3884bb-b565-45f4-9d9d-a4630d0422bf/content/fig30_1.tif"/>

Easy importation of documents created under other Macintosh programs by just dragging the foreign file onto the ClarisWorks icon. In many cases ClarisWorks determines which program created the document and translates into a ClarisWorks file. Some translations require more input from the user.