One can, if pressed, divide the business world into two sectors, the service industry or the manufacturing industry. The role of the service industry needs little explanation. In the world of manufacturing the efficient production of goods is the primary objective. The goods or products always start from an idea, as shown in Figure 57.1. From the time the idea is conceived to the time the product is shipped many engineering disciplines and methodologies are brought to play. The process cycles (iterates) between design intent, design capture, and analysis. In the background are considerations in regards to manufacturability, cost, esthetics, environment, and safety. Finally, with respect to the global economy all companies are in, design optimization is now a factor. The Big 3 + 1 in design. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780203710012/aa3884bb-b565-45f4-9d9d-a4630d0422bf/content/fig57_1.tif"/>