Geochemical and soil mapping studies indicate that Zn and Cu deficiencies and Se excess are prevalent in certain zones of India. Sulphate treatment (Degcure) has been evolved to treat diseased cases of Se toxicity. Ailments as a result of micro-element deficiencies or toxicities in livestock and poultry are prevalent in many developing countries with showing of both frank and subdued clinical syndromes. The role of Zn is not only important from the crop production point of view, but also it is equally essential in animal nutrition. A deficiency, similarly some animals show skin keratinisation which is probably due to disturbance in the synthesis of sulphated-mucopoly-saccharide in which both Zn and retinoic acid are a requirement. Blood Cu level cannot be used as a diagnostic tool of its deficiency because it is likely to remain normal in apparently healthy animals and may not show any health problem despite a low Cu status.