Given the increase in the number of cancer patients worldwide, it is important to increase medical efforts to offer a wide range of treatments, both curative and aesthetic-medical treatments that cover the psychosocial needs of patients. We therefore need a multidisciplinary response to meet the needs and demands of cancer patients. Early detection plus advances in cancer treatments have increased the survival rate. In the United States, there are about 4 million women living with a history of breast cancer, and this figure is expected to increase [1,2]. In addition to improving diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, we must consider factors such as the patient's age, nutritional status, living conditions, and family and social factors. It is increasingly important to know the perception of individuals about their health and their image, to ensure a good quality of life, and to maintain a good mental state. A better relationship between health professionals, patient, family, and medical institution would guarantee greater adherence to treatment [2,3]. The experiences of patients about the disease and the treatments received lead to great challenges in their lives that imply a process of acceptance and adaptation. It is important to evaluate and support patients with a specific approach to improve their image, as a means to improve their quality of life [4,5].