Aesthetics is the science of the study of aesthetic experiences and aesthetic judgements in general, and not only those related to beauty. When we judge something as beautiful, ugly, sublime, or elegant (to give a few examples), we are making aesthetic judgements, which in turn express aesthetic experiences.

Aesthetics is the domain of philosophy, studying art and qualities such as beauty; it is also the study of the experiences and judgements that happen every day in the activities we do, producing feelings and emotions whether they are positive or negative. Aesthetics seeks the reason for some questions, for instance, why some object, painting, or sculpture is not attractive to viewers; therefore, art relates to aesthetics, as it seeks to generate sensations through an expression.

To achieve this well-being, it is necessary to consult the interdisciplinary work of two aesthetic professionals: the aesthetician, who is the closest person to the user, the one who introduces the first care, and the one who can project future treatments to maintain beauty, and the aesthetic doctor.