Medicinal plants and the drugs derived from them constitute great economic and strategic value for the African continent. Most of the truly effective medicinal plants and drugs were kept secret by the practitioners and knowledge was handed down only to their descendants and favorite apprentices. African scientists started rather late to evaluate their traditional pharmacopoeias, by exploring the potentialities of the African medicinal plants used through the centuries. The rich flora of Africa of medicinal plants offers good raw material for the pharmaceutical industry, particularly as certain plants grow only in Africa. The fixed oils and fats are important products used pharmaceutically, industrially, and as foods. Several species of Macrocystis, Laminaria, and Fucus are numerous in African waters and algins can be prepared from them. The roots of Derris elliptica L. (Fam. Compositae) produce an important insecticide due to their rotenone content. Rutin from Ruta graveolens is used to treat varicose veins and in retinopathy of the eyes.