Carbon values in the Soil Organic Carbon Database are derived from all soil areas throughout the entire area of Canada, ranging from the Temperate to the High Arctic ecoclimatic provinces. The largest surface carbon masses occur in the Boreal Ecoclimatic Province, followed by the Subarctic and Arctic ecoclimatic provinces. Approximately 82% of the surface carbon mass of Canada is found in these three ecoclimatic provinces. The chapter provides the calculated total and surface amounts of organic soil carbon in Canadian soils, determined for various soil orders and ecoclimatic provinces using this version of the Soil Organic Carbon Database. Carbon contents are grouped by soil order, adjusted to the proportion of the soil order within a soil landscape, and then summed for each soil order. Carbon contents are grouped by ecoclimatic subprovince, adjusted to the proportion of the subprovince within a soil landscape, and then summed for each subprovince.