Methods, technique and results of studying two main types of roof bolting, i.e. lock-type and reinforced concrete type, are discussed. The tests have been conducted on two-dimensional models by deformation freezing method. The auxiliary field caused by the behaviour of a working supported by roof bolting has been superimposed on the main stress field of a virgin rock mass. The comparison of stresses and strains in the models with roof bolting and without it has made it possible to reveal influence of the roof bolting and its parameters to the changes in the stress-strained state of the rock mass portion under study. Values and nature of load distribution in the roof bolting have been determined with due account of its structural peculiarities and simulated mining and geological conditions. In this case degree of importance of some factors influencing formation and course of the processes of rock deformation and demolishing near a working has been evaluated. Practical recommendations on the roof bolting operation are given and these recommendations make it possible to effectively use the roof bolting in certain mining and geological conditions, to improve safety of workings operation, to reduce expenditures for their maintenance.