Point-of-Use (POU) and Point-of-Entry (POE) water treatment has been employed extensively for decades to correct and enhance water quality problems in individual homes. Point-of-Entry (POE) treatment is applied where water enters the building and provides corrected water quality for every fixture, every faucet, and every flush in the entire home or complex. In many cases, small drinking water systems, especially those serving a population of 500 or less, may also find POU and POE drinking water treatment equipment to be the best solution for providing safe drinking water to individual homes, businesses, apartment buildings, housing developments, and even small towns. POU/POE treatment is used to control a wide variety of contaminants in drinking water. Virtually the same technology used in treatment plants for municipal water systems can be used in POU/POE treatment products. The performance of POU/POE equipment products can vary, so it is important to look for products tested and proven successful for specific contaminants(s) to be treated.