The field work was carried out with the aid of the German Research Council in the Marsabit and Samburu Districts of Northern Kenya in 1980 and 1981. Exposures at gullies and seasonal river channels quite often reveal genetically different material in various landscape units such as foot slopes and valley floors of the Nyiru-Ndotos mountain region, the adjacent inland plains, and finally the high mountain zones of the Nyiru-Ndotos mountains themselves and of Mt Kulal. Fluvial deposits of one climatic phase occur in the valley floors of the Nyiru-Ndotos mountain region, for example in the Horr Valley and in the Ngurunit Valley. Different sediment sequences do not appear only along the foot slopes or adjacent valley floors but also in the higher montane zones of the Nyiru-Ndotos mountain region and Mt Kulal further to the north: Exposures along gullies show buried soils below transported fine material.