This article demonstrates, with a concrete example, how the application of Baron-Lesage, grout, B. Bache methods has enabled SOGEA to achieve of a concrete solution with a technical and economical performance level greater than that obtained, up to to-day, with metal structures. SOGEA has been able to develop a high performance light weight concrete that is exceptionally efficient in moving parts of structures designed to resist explosions, in compliance with very precise specifications. The studies of Serna Ros and P. Rossi concern the formulation of normal aggregate concretes with metal fibres. SOGEA had the opportunity to develop a hydraulic concrete reinforced with the fibres that provided satisfactory resistance to blast effects and piercing effects, with a density less than 1.6 T/m3. The type of stresses to which the concrete will be submitted in service oriented the study towards light weight aggregate based formulas reinforced with stainless steel fibres.