This chapter is designed to introduce readers to geologic issues concerning vadose zone investigations. The literature on vadose zone geology is voluminous, and it would be impossible to list all pertinent references; a partial list of authoritative texts and references is provided here for readers seeking more in-depth treatments than we present. Fetter (1988), Freeze and Cherry (1979), and Bouwer (1978) are traditional introductory texts which explain in more detail the effects of particle size distribution and lithology on contaminant transport. Nielsen and Johnson (1990) compile technical articles on specific issues of vadose zone sampling and monitoring. Devinney et al. (1990) provide detailed information on vadose zone sampling and biogeochemical processes pertinent to contaminant cleanups. General information on soils can be obtained from Brady (1990) and specific information on soil-contaminant processes from Dragun (1990). Reineck and Singh (1980) are an authoritative reference for interpreting depositional environments.