In different physical systems due to the competing attractive and long-range repulsive forces, the formation of labyrinthine patterns is observed [1]. This allows us to believe that the phenomenon of the labyrinthine pattern formation is insensitive to the concrete details of the properties of the physical systems. Interest in the investigation of the peculiarities of the labyrinthine pattern formation in magnetic fluids arose in early 1980s, when it was shown that the magnetic fluid in the plane layer under the action of the normal magnetic field forms labyrinthine patterns [2, 3]. Further different properties of the magnetic fluid labyrinthine pattern formation have been found [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. The crucial issue concerning the understanding of the labyrinthine pattern formation is the concept of the renormalization by the long-range magnetic interaction forces of the surface tension of the magnetic liquid in the plane layer. For the first time the proof that effective surface tension of the equilibrium stripe structure is exactly equal to zero was given in [10, 11]. Later that basic chevron instability was predicted and confirmed experimentally [12] as undulation instability in magnetic fluid and in the amphiphile monolayer foams [13, 14] described.